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Match Made in Intune heaven called Windows Autopatch and SCAPPMAN

windows autopatch and scappman

Of course, people who regularly follow our blog have heard of Autopilot, but this is Autopatch. An automated software update service for companies with Windows Enterprise E3 licenses or above will launch in July.

What does Windows Autopatch do?

Windows Autopatch is a managed service that will patch and update drivers and firmware for Windows and Microsoft 365 apps. This will result in automatic updates for Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Office, etc.

What do you need for Windows Autopatch to work?

You will need an Intune subscription, an E3 license, and an Azure AD (active directory). Remember, Windows Autopatch will only work on PCs running Windows 10 and Windows 11.

We love that Microsoft is taking the same route as ours and believe that an updated computer is a safe computer. Just look at their takeaways on why they started on Windows Autopatch.

“The development of Autopatch is a response to the evolving nature of technology. Innovations in hardware and software enhance usability and productivity. Changes like the pandemic-driven demand for increased remote or hybrid work represent particularly noteworthy moments but are nonetheless part of a cycle without a beginning or end. Business needs change in response to market shifts. Security postures must be hardened as new threats emerge. Enterprises must continually respond to stay competitive, enhance protection, and optimize performance.”

We love that Microsoft introduced the term gaps. Those gaps can be two things. Security gaps and productivity gaps. Their phrasing is as follows:

A security gap forms when quality updates that protect against new threats are not adopted in a timely fashion. A productivity gap forms when feature updates that enhance users’ ability to create and collaborate are not rolled out. As gaps widen, it can require more effort to catch up.

Why is Windows Autopatch and Scappman match made in heaven?

While Microsoft, from July 2022 onwards, takes care of their software and applications, SCAPPMAN can take care of your third-party applications and your applications already today. To use SCAPPMAN, you will need the exact requirements. You connect your Microsoft Intune to our SCAPPMAN portal, and you are good to go.

So, Microsoft takes care of their own, and we will take care of the rest.

Are you interested in starting today? Book a demo or start a free trial.

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