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Top 5 MSP tools for Microsoft Intune

top 5 msp tools for microsoft intune

At SCAPPMAN, we just wanted to show you the top 5 tools that can be helpful for you as an IT service provider. Microsoft Endpoint Manager is one of those fantastic products by Microsoft that has been around for almost 11 years. The cool thing is that excellent apps are being built that upgrade MEM to MEM 2.0. The top 5 tools for Microsoft Intune are Lansweeper, Micke, Remote Support tool, Admin by request and Scappman of course.

Lansweeper: IT Asset Management Software

It wants to know your IT environment and what assets are on your corporate network. It does this in 3 steps. 

Step 1: Discovery

The Lansweeper Deepscan discovery engine will find any asset on your corporate network without needing you to install any software on them. It has no limit to the effects it can have on the environment or resources.

Step 2: Inventory

Lansweeper offers a complete and insightful overview of the hardware, software, and users that enables a straightforward exploration of your network. Launder all network tasks, projects, and decisions by managing one source of truth. 

Step 3: Analytics

Be on top of things at all times with your IT. Be able to answer any questions, thanks to your over 400 built-in network reports and the ability to create or modify these reports, so they suit your needs.

A tool that helps MSPs mitigates risk and enables you to control your IT assets. We think one of the most astonishing combinations together with SCAPPMAN.

Micke: IntuneManagement with PowerShell and WPF UI

PowerShell scripts use this Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL), Microsoft Graph APIs, and Azure Management APIs to manage objects within Intune and Azure. The scripts have a simple WPF UI, and they are used for operations such as Export, Import, Copy, Download, Compare, and more.

You can find the Github info here:

Admin by request: to be or not to be an admin

Administrator rights, I think we never entered a company where this wasn’t an issue. The issue is: that you must allow users to maintain local admin rights or manual labor called unlimited remote installs. 

Admin by request can quickly deal with this for you without requiring much time and effort and allow you to use your IT resources this way freely. Again, it’s best to mitigate risk if your security principles say that you should grant your users the least amount of privileges required to carry out the task. This security rule is why local administrator rights were given, but eventually, users will request elevated rights. That’s why PAM (Privileged Access Management) system was created like Admin by Request. 

Remote Support Tool or Remote Help with Intune and Microsoft Endpoint Manager

Finally, it’s here in public preview, the tool remote help. The tool’s title is self-explanatory, connecting your users’ devices with support staff. You, as an MSP, can make configurations directly and take actions on the users’ devices. Yes, and it’s possible to take complete control of the device when the user permits it. 

Scappman: it’s all about multitenancy and saving your time

In addition to all the tools above, we don’t want to leave out our tool. We think we’re the best solution if you are an MSP with multiple customers and need a multi-tenancy automated patching software solution. 

We think that automated updates in Intune will help your life as an MSP significantly better. You can use it for yourself, but you can also resell it. It’s up to you. You can find all the info about our MSP program here. 

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